James S.'s review of Professional Sports Authenticator

Professional Sports Authenticator

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/9/2009
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Review 5/9/2009
PSA has a good business for over a few years now I have been submitting sportscards to grade to make them more valuable and encased by them protecting the card for longer preservation. I have found that this company and many other grading companies aren't regulated for fairness when they grade collector items. What I mean by that is a regular customer who submits $1000 orders and higher tend to get better service. I have submitted alot of small orders and cross over items from other companies including their number one competitor BGS most have came back with evidence of trimming but after having reveiwed them myself and by other collectors it just doesn't make sense how they came across these findings. The population report should not determine quality grading which seems to be the case with this company. I have lost hundreds of dollars from this company trying to give them a fair chance but as far as grading goes I have not recieved fair service and they know nothing can be done because you pay for the service and when you don't get it they say you paid for their opinion. My opinion is save your money waste of time making them rich while if you do get lucky and get the high grades then congratulations. The hardest part about this I have collected over 20 years and though grading could help the hobby but now days it seems to be messing it up. The postive thing about this company atleast you get your card back and your short changed a few hundred bucks wondering why did I try this Professional Sports Authentication. They have an automatic ATM they can grade any card they want a PSA 10 then give yours low grades and if they look good then must be evidence of trimming. Just trying to warn the consumers I really care about fairness and hope a government agency can look into this before more people get ripped off like I did.
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Hours   Phone   (800) 325-1121 Address   P.O.Box 6280
Newport Beach, CA 92658
Website   http://www.psacard.com Email   JCuriel@collectors.com
Contact   Jackie Curiel Other  
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